Extract a message to output
lhs %>>% rhs
lhs | Either a message type identifier like "@info" or an entire message. |
rhs | Optional if operator is used with function syntax |
This operator provides a programmatic use for logdec outside the context of comments. However, it should be noted that this operator is essentially a wrapper around the engine-specific function call, i.e. cat(), cli::cli_alert_*(), etc.
if (FALSE) { # Conventional Use: "@info" %>>% "Output some form of informational message" "" %>>% "This will also work, but is a bit odd" # Functional Use: `%>>%`("@success Successfully outputted this!") `%>>%`("@success", "Outputted again!") # Additional Use: options(logdec.engine = "cli") "@info" %>>% "You can change the logdec engine with {.fn {options()}}" "@info" %>>% "As seen above, you can also use {.pkg glue} syntax too!" some_value <- rnorm(1) "@success" %>>% "Since you can use glue, you can pass variables {some_value}." }